
Eat Colorfully

As of lately I've been completely obsessed with fruit salads not just any fruit salad but this one in particular. One of my friends brought this to my house and I've been addicted. If you make a bunch you can snack all week long. 

So here are the health benefits of this quick easy fruit salad. 

Strawberries help burn stored fat, they are low in calories and high in fiber. 


Grapes can prevent cancer, high blood pressure, and heart disease.  


Blueberries are the king of antioxidants! They help prevent aging, and improve brain function.  


Watermelon boosts cardiovascular and bone health. It's an ant inflammatory and supports your nervous system, and kidney support.


The real question is why are you not eating this every day?! Enjoy! 


De "light" ful!

Honestly, I wish I had even more time to cook. I wish that I could spur of the moment find a recipe and make it. Unfortunately, working until 6:00 through the week prevents me from doing that. Needless to say I've got to get my act together on Sunday and make a menu and shopping list for the week. If I don't do that then all week I am trying to play catch up with my meals. 


By the time that I burst through the door anywhere from 6:15- 6:30 my head is already spinning about what I need to do to start prepping dinner. In a perfect world I could take my time and just hang out in the kitchen leafing through my favorite cookbook looking for a dinner to make. So instead I do this on Sunday's and even though I have a few books, Skinnytaste by Gina Homolka is my favorite. None of the meals are too complicated and they are all on the light side. In fact, every night this week has been a Skinnytaste meal. Here is a little peek into my daily life.

Monday was Buffalo Chicken Melts. Oh my gosh absolutely delicious! It's just as easy as it looks too. 


Tuesday was Grilled Lamb which is such a nice change to the normal chicken or steak and the sprig of Rosemary is just the perfect touch.


Find these and so many other great meals in the book or look for Skinnytaste on Pinterest! 

Gym Hangry

Obviously we are all starving after a workout. At least I am! But, what to eat after getting your run on? Here are a few foods that are the perfect go-to.

Eggs- This one is by far my favorite. This girl loves eggs and I eat them every morning when I return from the gym. They have both carbs and protein which is what you body is craving and are only 70 calories each.


Bananas- Not only are they a "good carb" they also help rebuild damaged muscles.

Salmon- Don't want to eat eggs for dinner? No problem. Salmon also helps rebuild your muscles and is an anti-inflammatory. 

Nuts- If you are in a hurry and jetting to work after this is the perfect post workout snack to toss in your gym or handbag. My favorite is the antioxidant boost from Nature Box ( I always have it handy when I know I'm running errands after the gym. The best part about this one is that it doesn't waste any time getting to your system. It pack a quick punch of good carbs, fat, and protein. 

Chocolate Milk- You better believe it! Not only is it delicious, it's good for you too! Same as the others, this has protein and helps rebuild muscle. Also, it will satisfy your sweet tooth so you don't go for an unhealthy treat instead.  

Now that you are prepared go for a run..bikini season is almost here!