It might not be all that fun being stuck in the house (depending on how much wine you have that is). But I always try to find the silver lining somewhere. Not only am I a terrible sitter with these two kids it’s rarely an option anyway. So it really is the perfect time for a project or two. Better yet, spring cleaning.
Every Spring I like to purge my closet to get rid of the things that I don’t wear anymore. Plus, I always find things I have yet to wear, forgot about, or even just couldn’t see. Also, I’m really running out of hangers again…
It can sometimes be hard to figure out what needs to stay and what needs donated. Here are three tips to know when you should part with an item:
Has it been longer than a year since You wore it?
Does it still feel like your style?
Is it damaged beyond repair or worn out?
I’m a massive clothes hoarder. I always have been I always think yes I’ll totally wear this again and then it’s five years later and all it’s doing is taking up space…and a hanger. These three questions always help me make a little more closet space.