Build Around

I’m going to be honest I don’t trust anything about a Tuesday. Too precarious. So I’m not even going to say happy Tuesday or anything like that because they just scare me.

Insert nervous laughter…

Today I'm sharing one of my favorite styling tips that saves me every Single time i go to put an outfit together.

Picture this. You’re running around trying to put together a great outfit and in about three minutes you’re area of getting ready looks like a tornado went through. We’ve all been there right? I know I have more than I care to admit. But here is what I’ve learned to do. Find a piece that you love. It could be a beautiful pair of shoes, great pants, or even just something you’ve been waiting to wear for a while. Build around that specific piece. For example, this gold coat is one of my favorite THINGS right now for many reasons but when I was putting together this outfit I had it in mind and build the outfit around this piece.


It’s a very simple tip but one I use constantly. Think about it the next time you are in a rush (for me always) and need a quick look. Just grab something you love and build around it!

I hope this Tuesday is lovely for you and not at all scary…
