Perfectly Plated

Fancy & Fast

Let’s feel fancy on this lovely Wednesday shall we?

Not only are we getting fancy we are doing it quickly and with much ease. So grab a bottle of bubbles and let’s get to it. The hardest part of my (mostly) plant based diet is seafood. I love it in my soul so on weekends if I really want it, I make it and I make it worth it.

One of my very favorite things is finding something I can make better. My whole vibe this year is to elevate everything. Now, me being a seafood lover and seeing this sad box of seafood in the grocery store truly evoked me to add some love to it. Surly it had a better fate than just being dipped in subpar cocktail sauce.

So, what’s fast, elegant, and most importantly deserving for this poor neglected seafood? A bake of course!

First, get everything out and measured for speed. Here is what you need for the sauce:

what you do:

It’s very simple!

  1. Add two tablespoons of butter and since I used some scallops along with this I sautéed for about a minute or so on each side.

2. Remove the seafood and splash the pan with white wine for a little deglazing action. Then throw in milk, broth, seasonings, and mustard.

3. Add two more tablespoons of butter and two tablespoons of flour to the mixture (beurre manié, see fun fact below). This will thicken the sauce. Simmer until it’s nice and thick.

4. Turn off the heat and add it to an oven safe dish.

5. I did mine on 350 degrees for about 10-15 minutes.

That’s it! I made this sad box of seafood a meal worth eating and gave it the love that it deserved. I also made my sauce dairy free by using almond milk and plant based butter but you can use whole milk to make it more creamy.

fun fact: Beurre manié is just a dough that is equal parts butter and flour. It’s used to sauces and soups to make them thick.

Hope you’re feeling extra fancy today and I hope no one effs with your good vibes!

Let’s Bowl

Hey, hey, Friends! Happy Wednesday!

It might seem a little cliché to eat healthy at the start of a new year but it’s more of a lifestyle for me and I’ve been seeing a lot of bashing at the moment online about already not making the goals you set. Rude. Every single day is a new day and if you’re at least trying then good for you.

Two things about me: I’m typically a very healthy eater and I’m an over preparer. I also discovered last year that eating a mostly plant based diet makes me feel so good for a number of reasons. I experimented a lot with that way of living last summer. I have one day a week where I eat whatever I feel like. But I think dairy is out to get me.

Anyway. I meal prep on Sunday’s much of the time. If you’re trying to get a little healthier or would just like to save time, throwing together a lunch bowl is a very easy way to eat a healthy, fast lunch. Today I’m sharing one of my absolute favorites.

what you do:

  1. Roast sweet potatoes and broccoli in the oven on about 400. Let them cook until the sweet potatoes are tender.

  2. With the edamame, I took the easy way out and just made a frozen bag of them.

  3. For the chickpeas, I used some that were already roasted to save time. But you can always roast them yourself too.

  4. Lastly throw everything together and split up evenly if you’re meal prepping. Add the avocado right before eating.

    Life hack? I always have avocado cups in the fridge for things such as this.

This meal is very filling and easy to throw together. Which is what we all need, right? Healthy and fast is the name of my game. Except when it’s decadent and slow. Ha. Typical Gemini here.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Pumpkin in the Air

It sure has been a perfectly chilly fall week in my neck of the woods…

It can be easy to forget how much you truly love something until you smell it. I experienced this just yesterday when I decided to make vegan pumpkin bread. All I can say is make this recipe for the way your house will smell alone.

So here is your guilt-free pumpkin bread recipe (found on go.veganrecipe4u on insta) that takes no time to throw together, toss it in the oven, forget about it, and wait for the scent of fall to fill your kitchen.

what you do:

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Mix wet and dry in two different bowls.

  3. Minus the chocolate chips, add the wet to the dry mix until a smooth batter forms.

  4. *in Moira Rose voice* fold in the chocolate chips

  5. Line a loaf pan with parchment paper and pour batter into it and top with chips.

  6. Bake for about 50 minutes.

    This recipe is simple, delicious, and perfect for this time of year. I always like to have a little snack of some sort on my counter (kitchen reveal hopefully coming soon) just in case company arrives. This flavorful pumpkin bread is perfect for just that. Add a little butter and you’re in business.

    Enjoy your Thursday!