
Kilgore Kitchen Remodel

Welcome to The Kilgore Kitchen!

I can’t believe I’m finally getting to post this! Our kitchen remodel is (almost) complete. We have a few odds and ends to do. Also, my shelves for my cookbooks need done but I wanted to make sure I got to show you the backsplash before they go up.

ANYWAY. We are the third owners of our house and this was the original kitchen. When we moved in we knew it was going to need done but we did many other projects before that like my closet, the sunroom, the bar, and the kids rooms of course.

I cook constantly so doing that and having to do dishes in my powder room were…difficult.

After MK and I tossed around the idea of green or blue cabinets we decided that our kitchen was going to be black, white, and gold. It immediately felt like “us”. The first major thing we got was the light. I had my eye on it for a very long time and as soon as I showed it to MK he immediately agreed that it needed to be ours.

I saw this stove in Food & Wine magazine and immediately sent it toMK and was like this is our stove” to which he replied “yes it is”. We knew we wanted some kind of gold backsplash accent wall behind the stove and within minutes of being on Tile Bar we found it. Hard to cut? Yes. Very. But, hey, its easy to clean.

The stove is Zline and the backsplash is from Tilebar.

One thing we really wanted was a cooler way to get to our bar than just a door. We looked into a lot of options but landed on a pantry door. I didn’t want regular handles either so I searches far and wide for the snake handles. They came in a little bigger than I imagined but once they were on it just felt like that how it was supposed to be.

The backsplash is from Tilebar.

Let’s talk backsplash. Originally, we planned this white to be everywhere but behind the stove. However, due to it being extremely hard to put up we thought it best to go with a different one. Isn’t it funny how things work out sometimes? I couldn’t imagine having anything other than the black and gold backsplash now. Anyway, this is where my shelves will go with my (many) cookbooks on it. But this wall needed a moment before she gets styled.

Another happy accident? This space wasn’t supposed to be this big. We were accidentally sent two 36 inch cabinets instead of a 32 and a 36. I said immediately said we had to make it work so we just moved the pantry door over. I was so happy to have those couple extra inches.

Easily, one of my favorite parts of the kitchen is the island. Our original thought was to have white countertops but when I saw the sample for this I completely fell in love and we decided to make the island it’s own and make it different. It makes me happy every single day. Another important addition was to extend it out so that we could eat here as a family, giving us the informal dining area we were missing.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Now I’m off to get cooking!

Fresh and Sunny

Happy Friday!

I finally wanted to share our latest home improvement with you guys. 

When we first bought our house two and a half years ago, we were excited to have a sunroom but didn't really know what to do with it. We didn't love all the wood paneling (not huge fans of too much wood everywhere). We had a big list of things that needed done so this project went on the back burner until we finished my dressing room, sitting and dining room, bar, Theo's room, and many other odds and ends. 

The before:

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The after:

When it was time to finally do the sunroom I knew I wanted green. Duh. It's only been my favorite color forever. But what about the wood? There was no way we could look at it any longer. After speaking with some people who knew what they are talking about, we decided to cover it in drywall and paint. I wanted to keep it very fresh feeling. The green we chose was a bright earthy one. So even in the winter it will still have a great bright cozy feel.  

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The wood on the ceiling had to say so we decided to go with a dark stain since the room has so much light. The floor we chose pulls in the dark stain making all the colors come together. Not only do MK and I share a love of a good home reno, we also deeply love lights. Especially chandeliers. Once we chose the light, we came up with the idea to add greenery to it. This was my favorite part of doing this room. 


Next to furnish it. MK found the day bed and I coudn't get the words out of my mouth fast enough "GET IT! GET IT RIGHT NOW!". I could just picture all five of us cozied up out here watching a movie. I really liked the addition of grey to the color pallette we had going on. It breaks it up a little. This day bed was well worth it. It's so perfect for writing, napping, or just relaxing for a minute...you know while the baby sleeps. We also wanted a table to sit at but wanted nothing bulky. We found the perfect skinny table to eat at, have fresh herbs, or if need be a champagne bar like I did for Theo's Baptizim.  


Since we made this room basically from scratch I felt like when it came time for pillows they needed to also be from scratch. So I chose a fun floral pattern and a more cozy matchy one and got sewing!  

Now on to this week's cocktail!  


Peel the cucumber, cut it, and remove the seeds but save a couples slices for garnishing. Blend the rest of the cucumbers and strain in to a bowl. Then combine cucumber, sugar vodka in your shaker. Pour over muddled mint leaves and lastly garnish with mint and reserved cucumber slices. The perfect fresh martini for a sunny Spring day. 


After all that I'm sharing a very easy DIY to add some color and freshness to any room you may have. We had a hook that was already there and I wanted to do something floral there that wouldn't need watered for obvious reasons. Here is what you need:

Flowers of your choice


Any circular ball



I put purple moss in the green ball and green in the brown. Add the flowers, string, and just hang!  No reason to not utilize a hook right?


Have a great weekend! Ours is jam packed! So give me all the coffee...then wine.
