Me At Home

Bedroom Bliss

Hello and Happy Monday!


I once did a Martini Moment called "Cozy & Chic" and it was all about things you can do to make your bed even more comfortable. In this Fast Fash Home Hack I'm talking about your bedroom in general. It's no secret I absolutely love my bedroom and would do anything to make it even more comfortable. And actually when we toured our house it made me say “where do I sign?”.



Now with a babies, they inevitably come with more....things. So my first tip is to keep your bedside table as clear as possible and only keep what’s needed there. At one point in my new motherhood I looked over to see just what I had sitting there. Bottles, burp cloth, Owlet station (SIDS monitor), baby monitor, not to mention my things: phone, jewelry catcher, magazines, notebook. Needless to say some major decluttering needed done. Once it was cleaned off and places were designated for things it made all the difference! It also helped my head feel less cluttered too. But wine is essential right?


Maybe it's us being photographers but we are all about lighting. We have Phillip Hue Lightbulbs (buy them on Amazon, at Home Depot, or Target) and you can completely control the warm or coolness, bright or dim. We have them all over the house and I can tell you they are totally worth the investment. Also speaking of lighting make sure you can block it out (if you want that is). I like to know what’s happening outside so I often keep mine open.

Have a nook

For a housewarming gift, MK got me a beautiful chaise and thats where I read or drink my morning coffee or have a much needed cocktail at the end of the day. It helps to have somewhere other than bed to make the room even more cozy.  

Sending you so many good vibes this week!


Everyday Musts

This quarantine has a lot of people talking about “self care”. I’m not going to lie some of the things I see make me roll my eyes. Mostly because I really never have time for a lot of the things suggested. Don’t get me wrong about once a week MK takes the kids and I take a long hot bath. But, when I’m in my daily routine of mothering and keeping up with the house it can be very easy for things like “self care” to go out the window rather quickly.

I thought I would share my own version of self care that I incorporate in to my every day and believe me these are fast but important in my day.

  1. Perfume

    I make sure to spritz after my shower while the skin is still damp, the scent will last longer that way.

  2. Hydrate

    This sounds obvious but I I’ve been drinking about a gallon of water throughout the day and I swear it’s pretty life changing. I feel so good!

  3. Style your hair

    This always makes me feel better and more ready for the day, even if that day just consists of being home.

    I do these every day and I’m telling you it makes such a difference in my very busy day as a Mom. And here are two bonus things that I aim to do every day but don’t always:

  4. Get Ready

    Even if just for couch sitting. I wish I did this every day but sometimes my day just tail spins.

  5. Walk away

    This is so important for me to do sometimes. Once a day I try to just take 30 minutes to myself to recharge. Even if it’s just sitting and drinking coffee in the quiet or reading a couple chapters of a book. Everyone should try to do this every day. I don’t but I’m working on it.

This quarantine has been hard on us all in one way or another. But keep in mind that it’s important to do the things that help you through the day.

Keep your chin up we’re almost there!

Elevate Your Pizza

Who's ready for a fancy pizza party? To me any day is a good day for pizza but why not kick up your pizza game a notch? One of my favorite things about cooking is mixing different flavors to get a really unique taste. This fabulous spiring pizza is just that and is far from your average dish. 

Three Cheese Raspberry Spring Pizza

What you need: 

Pizza crust (I bought pre made) 

1/3 cup Heavy Whipping Cream

1/3 cup Parmasean  

Brie, goat, and blue cheese

Baby arugula  

Fresh Raspberries

What you do: 

This is so super easy! When I make pizzas I really like using my cast iron skillet. Put your dough in the skillet on high for a couple minutes on each side. Remove from heat. Then, combine the parm cheese and heavy cream in a small saucepan on medium heat until it's really thick. Sprinkle in some garlic salt for taste. Spread it on the pizza, add your cheeses, and everything else. Put the cast iron skillet in the over on 450 degrees for 10 minutes. 



Have an awesome Wednesday Friends! 
