Guilt Free Pasta

Boring food does not interest me.

However, a healthy lifestyle does. I’ve been doing a very low carb diet since mid April and not only do I look better than then but I feel better too. This diet has pushed me to do more interesting things with food than I normally would. Almond flour has really become my friend and honestly I’m kind of obsessed with it and how versatile it is. For today’s Perfectly Plated I’m making Keto Ravioli with my very favorite filling.


what you do:

  1. In a food processor mix almond flour, coconut flour, xanthan gum, and salt. Once combined add in apple cider vinegar.

  2. Add in egg while processor runs, then add water. The dough should form and be sticky and not too dry.

  3. Wrap the dough in cling wrap and toss in the fridge for about an hour.

  4. Once the hour is up, put the dough between two pieces of parchment paper, and using a rolling pin flatten out and press a circle cookie cutter or ravioli press to make your actual ravioli. Mine was a two inch circle.

I’m not a huge pasta eater in general but every now and then I crave it. I use this filling for omelettes, crepes, and yep, ravioli. Feel free to add more or less depending on what you’re making.


Once you have your ravioli cut and filling made, scoop it into the middle and pinch the edges. When I made this the recipe made 16 raviolis. After they are assembled and ready to go put them in the freezer for about 20 minutes.

While those are in there, here is the extremely easy sauce I made for it:

what you need:

1/4 cup olive oil

1/4 cup butter

3 tbsp minced garlic (I <3 garlic)

a handful of Thyme

sea salt


what you do:

  1. Melt butter into olive oil and add garlic and Thyme on low heat.

  2. Turn the heat up to medium and add the cooled ravioli. Cook for a couple minutes on both sides.

  3. Add to some fresh veggies (I used multi colored tomatoes) and add a little parm.

I used Thyme because it’s one of my herbs that’s still doing super well out there. I’m trying to give my Basil a break so Thyme it was. I used the tomatoes because they were in my fridge so fell free to use whatever you love.



As always thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a fantastic day!
