Ready For You, Monday.

Hello to another monday…


I know I’ve said once or twice that I love a Monday. A new week, a fresh start, yes please! It’s true that I live every day with a make all the seconds count kind of attitude. I have to with two kids, two dogs, and a business to help run, I simply have to. So I thought I would share what I do on a Monday to ensure I have a smooth week. Do I always have a smooth week? Hell no. But, this at least starts me out on top.

Start the week already ahead…

I did a post about a year ago talking about the things I do on a Sunday so I feel ready for the week. I don’t always do these but I surly do try and when I do, the start of the week flows much better.

-Wash the sheets. There’s nothing like getting into bed on Sunday night with some fresh sheets.

-Gather Laundry. My laundry day is always Monday so I gather that.

-Take a look at my week to see what I have going on and pull some outfits so that I can get ready faster. Even if I have nothing in the books (which is rare) I still grab a few things that I make sure are ready to wear in case I have to run out.

Now on MOnday…

  1. Make a list!

    I have to do this every Monday. I make a list for the day and for the week of things that need done. Otherwise these things bounce around in my head and bother me. Plus I love to check thinks off my list.

  2. Write Everything Down

    I know, I know, there’s a phone for that but I’ve always written things down in my planner. Whatever pops into your head that needs done write it down! Seriously I write down what’s for dinner, scheduled blog posts, everything. Like I said it get’s out of my head and on to paper.

  3. Eat The Frog

    If you’ve never heard this expression it means so the things you look forward to the least so that then, those are behind you and you can move forward with the day.

  4. Do the things but not all of the things.

    Relax, it’s only Monday. Don’t feel like you need to look at this to-do list for the week and try to get it all done in one day. You’ll end up exhausted and frustrated. Prioritize if something not that important can wait and you really don’t have time for it that’s fine! I’ve made this mistake too many times.

    Always remember, if you have a bad Monday, don’t make it a bad week. Put your head up and have a drink. Start fresh tomorrow with a clear head and move on.

    Heres to hoping your week is all smooth sailing!
