Welcome To The Roaring 20’s

Happy New Year Friends!

It sure does feel good to be back. I take a much needed blogging cleanse every now and again. This time it was from being so pregnant and then having Colette Coco, and then all that followed. Not only do I love blogging, but it has also been a much needed distraction.

Every new year I sit down and get my ducks in a row for what I want my blog to look like for the year ahead. Last year, for the fashion part of Fast Fashionista, I focused on Dior’s Fashion Dictionary and had so much fun with it! This year, I’m keeping the same format and concept that I have the previous year only less focus on one thing. Fashion and style which will focus on not only the fashion I so deeply love but also home style and all around “life style”, since this is after all a lifestyle blog.

Perfectly Plated is returning with everything from recipes (some healthy, some maybe not so much), food plating, kitchen hacks and how-tos. Also include anything that may inspire me because being in the kitchen with a glass of vino is my most favorite place to be.

My Martini Moment is also returning but one of my resolutions this year is to really challenge myself with different and unique drinks that are sure to dazzle your guests, for a fun night in, or because its been a hell of week. Which is exactly how this part of my blog started.


Sticking with my blog’s namesake, I’ll be bringing you all of this in a fast nature. Because no one wants to read 37 paragraphs. This will most likely be my longest post. While I’m talking about what this blog is, I’d also like to touch on what it is not. I am by no means an “influencer”. I never wanted to be that kind of blogger (not that there is anything wrong with that type of blog). I refuse to shove any product down your throat. Unless I truly love it of course. I aim for this to be a fun, chic, blog that may help add a little sparkle to your day along the way of your scrolling. All while keeping it real. Sure I’m all about a glam lifestyle but did I just spill coffee literally everywhere while chasing a toddler? Yep, sure did.

Thrilled to have you here and thank you for stopping!

Now, let’s saunter into The Roaring 20’s in style, with amazing food, and of course, a glass of bubbly in our hands!
