Easy Faux Pasta

I'll admit years ago, when I first tried Spaghetti Squash I was intimidated but it ended up being so easy and it's a staple of mine now and is quite perfect for a pasta fix with out an overload on carbs. The best part is that it's SO versitile! Use red, white, or pesto sauce whatever you want!

It's this simple:

Cut the squash in half. But be SOO careful! These buggers are very hard and I would hate for someone to chop off a finger because I didn't warn you.  


Scrape out the seeds and middle. 

Place the squash cut side down and bake in the oven for an hour on 400 degrees.  


Let it cool for like 15 minutes and get a fork and pull the noodle-like strands from the cooked squash.  


You can also cook it in the microwave if you’re short on time. Cut the same put face down with a little bit of water in the pan and microwave for 10-15 minutes depending on how big your squash is.

Often times during Lent I kick meat to the curb and only eat fish. But however you would like to dress up your dish have fun with it.

Here’s what I used: 



A dab of cream cheese

Parm cheese

Garlic and other spices

(I threw in shrimp at the last minute) 


Mix everything together and put back into the squash shell. Top with a little bit of parm cheese and broil for about 5 minutes. 


Then enjoy the goodness!


This is absolutely one of my favorite recipes for when I want pasta but not the calories. 

Hey, if you look real hard you can see Friday in the distance…
