Hello there!
To say the least I have had A LOT going on in the past couple of weeks and really needed to focus on a few other things. My workload right now is crazy! Hence my hiatus. But I'm happy to be back. If you don't follow me on social media the big news is I quit my job to work full time with mine and MK's photography company. I'm very excited, especially to have the time to make a nice dinner and eat it before 9:00 pm haha!
So now that I'm back I bring with me this months favorites!
May Favorites
I feel absolutely rejuvenated and have been putting in some serious kitchen time and have been diving head first into some fantastic cookbooks. So be ready for some awesome recipes. One more thing, I can really get my DIY on and have some pretty cool things planned. I'm excited to share my new life with you guys!
p.s. Thank you for the overwhelming support with my recent career decision. I've gotten so many sweet words and they mean the absolute world. You're all wonderful.
“If you don’t like how the table is set, turn over the table.”