Roaming In Rome — Fast Fashionista

Roaming In Rome

Our next stop is Rome! One thing that always goes hand in hand for Rome is the architecture. No matter where you look it is a gorgeous array of beautiful buildings, famous fountains, and statues you only saw in your history books.

Local beer and pizza only made the experience that much better. Are we sick of pizza yet? Never.

In Kate Spade's book "Travel Colorfully" she recommends when in Rome, to buy a pair of colored leather gloves. Well, that is exactly what I did and I've got to say this glove store was my favorite! Just look at all of the colors! I went with green of course.

Sitting on the Spanish Steps eating Gelato and people watching was a pretty fabulous moment. Maybe not for the lady in the top left corner but certainly for us.  

You can't go to Rome and not see the Coliseum!  

A favorite thing that I noticed is Italians love to feed you. So when just ordering drinks they give you adorable canapés! All delicious by the way, just in case you had doubts.

We also shopped like crazy people here. Not only in just the stores we came across but we found this market too! MK loaded up on some of the softest sweaters I've ever felt and I got a Pashmina.

After an entire day of walking, shopping, and site seeing we were starving! Sitting in Vatican City, we enjoyed tortellini and linguini and were in heaven!

One more stop to go! Until next time!